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Bible Questions

Bible Questions - Your Source for Bible-based Answers
If you have Bible questions, can help by answering your questions via e-mail! The whole purpose of this website is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by providing Biblical, applicable, and timely answers to spiritually-related questions. They are a volunteer ministry of dedicated and trained servants who have a desire to assist others in their understanding of God, Scripture, salvation, and other spiritual topics. They are Christian, Protestant, conservative, evangelical, fundamental, and non-denominational. They view themselves as a para-church ministry, coming alongside the church to help people find answers to their spiritually related questions.

Bible Questions - Commitment, Credentials
The volunteer staff will do their best to prayerfully and thoroughly research your Bible questions and answer them in a Biblically-based manner. It is not their purpose to make you agree with them, but rather to point you to what the Bible says concerning your question. You can be assured that your question will be answered by a trained and dedicated Christian who loves the Lord and desires to assist you in your walk with Him. The writing staff includes pastors, youth pastors, missionaries, Biblical counselors, Bible/christian College students, Seminary students, and lay students of God's Word. All of the answers are reviewed for Biblical and theological accuracy.

May God richly bless you as you seek to study His Word and grow in your walk with Him! (Romans 11:36)

Bible Questions - Those Most Frequently Asked
Here are some of the most frequently asked Bible questions at Click on the link at the bottom of this website and start exploring the answers!

How do you explain the Trinity? Why does God allow bad things to happen? What are the different names of God and what do they mean? Does God hear the prayers of unbelievers? Is Jesus God? How can you prove Christ's resurrection? Where was Jesus for the 3 days between His death and resurrection? Why is the virgin birth so important?

What is the blasphemy of the Spirit? Are miraculous gifts for today? What is the gift of tongues? How can I know what my spiritual gift is? Is there any way to lose your salvation? What about people who never hear the Gospel? Is salvation by faith alone, or faith plus works? What is the age of accountability?

Why are there so many Bible translations? How was the Bible put together? Why should we study the Old Testament? Does the Bible contain error, contradictions, or discrepancies? Why is baptism important? Should we worship on Saturday or Sunday? What does the Bible say about tithing? Why is church attendance important?

What is the mark of the beast? When is the rapture going to happen? What is the Judgment Seat of Christ? Is the millennium literal or figurative? Who are the "sons of God"? Do we have guardian angels? Can Satan read our minds? Can Christians be demon possessed?

Who was Cain's wife? Where did the different races come from? What is God's view on cloning? What should a Christian believe about the death penalty? How do you know when God is speaking to you? What is the point of prayer? How can I know God's will? How can I gain victory over sin? How can I know if something is a sin? Are all sins equal in God's eyes?

Bible Questions Answered Here!

WHAT DO YOU THINK? - We have all sinned and deserve God's judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

What is your response?

Yes, today I am deciding to follow Jesus

Yes, I am already a follower of Jesus

I still have questions

Why Should God Let You In Heaven

How to Know God
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